The idea of Mother Nature devastating a large portion of the world has long been a topic.
Shows such as “It could happen Tomorrow” cover these possibilities of cataclysmic storms and mega earthquakes overwhelming cities and even whole countries.
This, however, could very well become a reality that attacks America.
MEGAQUAK ABOUT TO HIT AMERICA Vladimir Putin has apparently deployed Russian troops in the Eastern Military District in preparations for a devastating series of earthquakes and tsunamis that are set to hit the Kamchatka peninsula over the next two weeks. The deployment was due to an “urgent warning being sent to the Security Council over the weekend by scientist Mehran Keshe.” Keshe has stated that the Pacific Plate is preparing for an entirely new cataclysmic attack.
Simulation on the San Andreas Fault-Animation of wave propagation during a magnitude-7.8 earthquake rupturing the San Andreas Fault from northeast to southwest. colors reflect the intensity of shaking; green colors indicate areas of permanent ground deformation.
Posted by NewsPrepper on Sunday, July 9, 2017
Continuing to America the dangers of Megaquakes may end up hitting America as well. A scientific doctor from Colorado has stated that the previous conditions may lead to four massive earthquakes greater than 8.0 on the Richter Scale. If this report ends up being true, it falls in line with what Keshe predicted which is that North and South America could end up splitting and could kill 40 million people in Asian and America. A date is not given however regarding when the mega earthquakes could come and strike its target(source)
President Putin has deployed Russian troops in the Eastern Military District to prepare for what could be a series of devastating earthquakes and tsunamis to hit the Kamchatka peninsula . He has also issued a warning that a much bigger ‘megaquake’ could strike the United States northwestern Pacific Ocean region .
The deployment was prompted by an “urgent warning” sent to the Security Council over the weekend by scientist Mehran Keshe, who warned that the 5.8 earthquake that struck the Kingdom of Tonga signalled that the Pacific Plate is preparing for a “catastrophic new alignment”.
Doctor-Scientist Keshe is the inventor of “magrav technology” (Western code name code name “Khibiny”) used by Federation military forces in their secretive defense weapons used to cripple American warships like was done against the USS Donald Cook this past week.
In using a “different aspect” of his “magrav technology”, this report continues, Doctor-Scientist Keshe this past October issued his first dire pronouncement about the Pacific Plate warning that a “world-changing mega-tremor with the power to split up continents was imminent”.
Three months after Doctor-Scientist Keshe’s October warning, this report notes, both the Kamchatka Peninsula and Southern Alaska were hit with7.1 and 7.3 magnitude earthquakes causing President Putin to begin his first realignment of EMD troops in the face of this looming threat.
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During this past week, this report grimly states, Doctor-Scientist Keshe’s use of “magrav tech
nology” to make his “predictive assessments” regarding the accelerated movement of the Pacific Plate has proven accurate as no less than 7 powerful earthquakes (and today’s Tonga quake making 8) have struck this region—the worst being the South American nation of Ecuador where at least 233 are dead, and in Japan where a further, at least, 41 are dead, thousands still missing, and another 250,000 left homeless.
Joining Doctor-Scientist Keshe’s dire pronouncements regarding the Pacific Plate, this report continues, is American Doctor-Scientist Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) who yesterday warned too that “The current conditions might trigger at least four earthquakes greater than 8.0 in magnitude, and if they delay, the strain accumulated during the centuries provokes more catastrophic mega earthquakes.”
And to if Doctor-Scientist Bilham’s mega earthquake fears are realized, this report concludes, Doctor-Scientist Keshe’s assessment of what this could entail is nothing less then catastrophic as he had previously warned that North and South America will “split” and mega tsunamis could“strike America and Asia killing 40 million people”.
Though this report gives no date for any expected earthquake, tsunami or volcano eruption to occur as the sciences involved in doing so are far from adequate, it is more than curious to note that the MoD has ordered all of its top commanders and political office holders from the Far East Pacific Ocean regions to be in Moscow on 27 April for what this report says is a “readiness conference”.
Russia Prepares For Catastrophic Earthquake, But Warns America Is In Worst Danger
A stunning new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin has authorized the immediate redeployment of troops in the Eastern Military District (EMD) in preparation for what could be a series of massive earthquakes and tsunamis to hit the Kamchatka Peninsula within the next fortnight—and further warns that the United States-Canada-Alaska northwestern Pacific Ocean region may be in even more danger than Russia.
According to this report, this unprecedented peacetime movement of thousands of Federation troops to their pre-assigned “protective corridors” was based upon an “urgent warning”communication sent to the Security Council (SC) earlier today by Doctor-Scientist Mehran Keshe that said this afternoons powerful 5.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the Kingdom of Tonga was the “last lynchpin to fall” as the Pacific Plate is preparing for a “catastrophic new alignment”.
Three months after Doctor-Scientist Keshe’s October warning, this report notes, both the Kamchatka Peninsula and Southern Alaska were hit with7.1 and 7.3 magnitude earthquakes causing President Putin to begin his first realignment of EMD troops in the face of this looming threat—and which we, likewise, reported on in our 9 February report Putin War Move Sends Shockwave Through West As Pacific Tsunami Threat Rises
During this past week, this report grimly states, Doctor-Scientist Keshe’s use of “magrav technology” to make his “predictive assessments” regarding the accelerated movement of the Pacific Plate has proven accurate as no less than 7 powerful earthquakes (and today’s Tonga quake making 8) have struck this region—the worst being the South American nation of Ecuador where at least 233 are dead, and in Japan where a further, at least, 41 are dead, thousands still missing, and another 250,000 left homeless.
Ecuador earthquake damage 17 April 2016
Joining Doctor-Scientist Keshe’s dire pronouncements regarding the Pacific Plate, this report continues, is American Doctor-Scientist Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) who yesterday warned too that “The current conditions might trigger at least four earthquakes greater than 8.0 in magnitude, and if they delay, the strain accumulated during the centuries provokes more catastrophic mega earthquakes.”
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And to if Doctor-Scientist Bilham’s mega earthquake fears are realized, this report concludes, Doctor-Scientist Keshe’s assessment of what this could entail is nothing less then catastrophic as he had previously warned that North and South America will “split” and mega tsunamis could “strike America and Asia killing 40 million people”.
Though this report gives no date for any expected earthquake, tsunami or volcano eruption to occur as the sciences involved in doing so are far from adequate, it is more than curious to note that the MoD has ordered all of its top commanders and political office holders from the Far East Pacific Ocean regions to be in Moscow on 27 April for what this report says is a “readiness conference”.
READ MORE:Are You Ready ? End Of The World Begin ! The Elite Are In A Panic-ELITE Underground Bunkers
Massive Mega Quake Could Destroy Pacific Northwest, Report Says
A new report predicts that a mega-earthquake could kill an estimated 13,000 people and destroy a sizable portion of the Pacific Northwest.
Even more disturbing? It’s overdue.
The New Yorker reported that FEMA calculations show these types of earthquakes happen at regular intervals in this specific part of the world, roughly every 240 years.
The last one was more than 300 years ago, in 1700, when a quake there sent a 600-foot wave of water all the way to Japan.
Michio Kaku, a physicist and professor at City College of New York, told Shepard Smith today that the troubling article does not overstate the danger.
“The Cascadia fault is an earthquake waiting to happen,” Kaku stated. “We know it’s going to happen with an energy 30 times the maximum energy of the San Andreas fault.”
Kaku said Hollywood has “brainwashed” people into thinking that California is where the next massive earthquake will hit.
He added that before the mega-quake actually hits, there is a compression wave that is detected by animals.
“Animals start to act very strange. We’ve seen that happen before earthquakes,” Kaku said. “And then, a minute, two minutes later, boom!”
The massive quake, with a magnitude of up to 9.2, would last about four minutes, according to seismologists, with a wall of water following about 15 minutes later.
Kaku said he’s concerned that many of the 70,000 residents in the potential “inundation zone” have very little knowledge about this risk.
“It barely rates on the radar screen,” he said.
Shep asked Kaku whether he would live in the Pacific Northwest if he had children.
“I’d think twice,” he said, advising residents to educate their children on emergency preparedness and what to do in case of an earthquake.
This “End of the World” disaster will change our planet forever.How is the World Going to End?10 of the Population’s Biggest Fears on How the World is Going to End are:
Posted by Medeea A. Greere on Monday, May 1, 2017
Bill Willett 11 July, 2017 at 20:33
Juan Leonardo Vargas 13 July, 2017 at 11:14
Awesome thanks for sharing this important information regarding the status of the world due to the severity of the tectonic and locations of these huge potent volcano that are waking, hopefully we all can come together to help our fellow citizens as this is it, the environment is about to become a new world, a life of severe weather conditions, including the the losses of food and water, not to mention medical supplies and support!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom with us!
Apostle Bradford 22 August, 2017 at 02:51
-Twenty years, curious, seeing my prophetic parables are all based on or rooted and grounded in a proposed, 1986, twenty year extension of Grace, again curious, actually right into the intrepid dream time table, 2001-2017, Apb, see here,
– The Happening, Signs And Wonders, The Revelation 12 Sign, 2017
-We know according to the Intrepid Dream Timetable, of America’s 190 months until judgment, December 2001, that something cataclysmic as the days of Ezekiel 4, causing America to Western Rule to lose 190 years of technology is pending only a month or so from now. I can admit, everything capable of causing such sudden damage are all showing heighten to deadly activity right now. Come is all these Catastrophes, with a death toll, both 2002 and 2017, of 50 million pending, so since Clinton right into nothing but excuses, Trump the Truexit, beware, claiming peace and safety right now, is as deadly as their tug of nuclear war, beware, procrastination is deadly, escape into exodus, and may God bless it! Apb, Amen
BREAKING-RUSSIAN RESEARCHERS WARN: A MEGAQUAKE WILL RIP THROUGH AMERICA – News Prepper – Online Headline News 5 October, 2018 at 01:37