Green Light To UN To Invade America 2017: Martial Law- WWIII-FEMA- Dollar Collapse Coming The Reality And Truth of FEMA-Meet Your Future HOME.
What is martial law?If you’re looking for a definition, then Martial Law basically means using state or national force to enforce the will of the government on the people. It basically allows the government, or a tyrannical politician, to shred the and impose its will through force.
History of of America“Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.”The U.S. dollar replaced the British Pound Sterling as the world’s reserve currency around 1945. It occurred for a number of reasons. The U.S. economy was the global leader in manufacturing and held the majority of the world’s gold.
According to sources I’ve read, the dollar was the only currency still backed by gold (there was a downside to this). Of course they would love to explain that these specialist’s expertise would be used in other regions of the planet, and as you all know, the isn’t allowed to operate in the United States. If this is the case, then why the sudden need to recruit so many more? As you’ll soon see, just about anything could lead to a state of Martial Law.
In today’s environment, it won’t take much. In a previous post titled, Obama Warns: Be Ready For EMP Attacks, martial law dollar update, martial law dollar collapse news, dollar collapse martial law, latest update martial law, latest news dollar collapse, martial law un, martial law after election, Engineered Pandemics, Massive , and Martial Law, I mentioned how on May 31, Obama took time out of his extremely busy schedule to deliver an address at the FEMA where he made a point to stress that Americans who are not preparing for, or who do not have plans for any given scenario, could find themselves in big trouble in the near future.
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The following excerpt from Obama’s speech comes directly from the official White House website…”One of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared . And that means taking proactive steps, like having an plan, having a fully stocked supply kit. If your local authorities ask you to evacuate, you have to do it. Don’t wait.”
This Video is about that Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) issued a Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) for fiscal year 2016.
Such Notice is to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks (CCTA Program). The CCTA Program will provide close to $36 million to state, local, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions to improve their ability to prepare for, prevent, and respond to “complex coordinated terrorist attacks” — in collaboration with the whole community. martial law america, USA Martial Law, Trump.
This Video is about that Selected state, local, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions will receive fiscal 2016 CCTA Program funding specifically to build and sustain capabilities according to these qualifications: Economic Collapse Video, To enhance their preparedness for these supposed “complex coordinated terrorist attacks,” here is what they are looking to achieve: video martial law,
1. Identifying capability gaps
2. Developing and/or updating plans
3. Training to implement plans and procedures
4. Conducting exercises to validate capabilities. martial law after election,While only state, local, territorial, and federally-recognized tribal governments can apply, there is something BIGGER brewing in the works. martial law dollar update, martial law dollar collapse news, dollar collapse martial law,Meanwhile, as FEMA continues to partnership with local organizations nationwide, along with preparing the nation for “National Emergencies” and other cryptic events .
The Department of Homeland Obama Martial law, Fema martial law 2017, usa fema martial law 2017, Obama martial law dollar collapse 2017, Security (DHS), per the Appropriations Act of 2016, has been funding and allocating for the use of state police crime labs, fusion centers, and other means and methods necessary… in order to “analyze” any information they collect, from both public and private sectors. latest update martial law, latest news dollar collapse.
As Obama’s administration continues to creep closer and closer to tyranny, one could only imagine how far he’d go before Americans started to revolt. martial law anonymous, Lucky for Obama, he’s already begun plans to contain the situation, allowing him to progress with his agenda with as little Economic Collapse Video, video martial law, martial law dollar collapse update, martial law dollar collapse news, resistance as possible—through the use of FEMA camps.
We all know, Obama is working all hours of the day to try and disarm as much of the population as possible, and although he claims it in the name of American safety, many U.S. citizens know otherwise. But if it were to come to a point where Americans needed to be suppressed in order for the preservation of Obama’s reign to prevail, what would he do?“
The Reality And Truth of FEMA-Meet Your Future FEMA Camp-Meet Your Future HOME.-Meet Your Future FEMA Camp-Meet Your Future HOME.
The infamous agenda for the North American Union is taking shape and the plan to do away with the 50 states and create FEMA regions is happening right now.
Economically according to Parag Khanna, a contributor for the NY Times, America would thrive more if the government did away with the states and created regions.
At first glance, the plan seems to be a good idea, but rather we must observe the hidden motive. The States of America exist to protect the rights of the individual rather than that of the collective.
However, given the agenda currently underway, the rights of the individual are being forsaken, and the “feelings of the collective” throttled upon the masses.
According to Parag, and those sourced in the report; the 50 states are dysfunctional and very messy, especially economically. With America continually on the downturn of leading the world in innovation, it becomes increasingly more evident that the USA is failing. “Advanced economies in Western Europe and Asia are reorienting themselves around robust urban clusters of advanced industry.” Says Parag. However is that the real motive behind it all?
The plan for a New World Order is very clear, a centralized worldly government where there are no borders and only a ruling class of elites who run the world. Placing that as another boundary line for the end times. Using the discontinuation of the 50 states, paints a clear picture that America is preparing itself for the New World Order.
The entire plan for seven states bases itself on the fact that some states are failing while others have already bounced back after the 2008 financial crisis.
However, exposing the real motives behind the crisis shows that this agenda for seven states is all apart of a larger scheme to further dwindle the individual rights of Americans, and to do away with borders and boundaries furthering the agenda of the One World Government.
The idea to combine states and do away with border lines is not a new one, but rather it began 32 years ago, proposed by a man named Joel Garreau, his idea was to have nine states. Given the furthering of time, its now been dwindled down to seven, which should only make one wonder how long till it dwindles down to one.
Centralizing government is never a good idea, and that is the undoubted plan for it all, federalizing all police forces to act as one rather than several hundred; painstakingly showcases the agenda for the North American Union.What You Do In The Next 5 Seconds Will Determine If You And Your Family Survive Or Die…?Prepare Your Family for Survival-Learn How Planning Ahead Can Help You Protect Your Family, Your Home And Your Belongings In A Dangerous Time.Watch this free video.
Where the plan began is where the answer lives. Taken from his bio:
Joel Garreau is an explorer of culture, values, and change. To aid those who follow later, he frequently publishes mental maps.
Most recently he is the author of Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies, and What It Means to Be Human, published in 2005 by Doubleday. Joel’s latest book takes an unprecedented, sometimes alarming, always spellbinding look at the hinge in history at which we have arrived. For hundreds of mill
ennia, our technologies have been aimed outward at altering our environment in the fashion of fire, agriculture, or space travel. Now, for the first time, we are increasingly aiming inward at modifying our minds, memories, metabolisms, personalities, progeny and possibly our immortal souls.Radical Evolution is about altering human nature — not in some distant tomorrow, but right now, on our watch.
Joel is a transhumanist, further proving the point that the agenda for North America to be split into regions is an elitist one and not that of furthering the rights of individuals but rather the feelings of the collective. Joel is not the only one who is pushing this agenda.
Hillary Clinton is also pushing the agenda, and she claims that America will have no borders within one hundred days after her arrival in the Oval Office.
Furthering the agenda of the North American Union, and doing away with the states brings about a strange coincidence. Under Martial Law, or during a national crisis a new map takes shape; and that is the FEMA regions map. Which uncovers an astounding resemblance of the new seven states map.
The idea is not a new one, and the plan to create the North American Union is happening right now. In fact, according to Forbes, it will potentially happen over the next decade; which began in 2013. This entire agenda resembles that of the North American Union, which is a part of the larger United Nations agenda for 2030.
History repeats; destroying the current states bears the resemblance of something which happened in the past and brought about the bloodiest civil war in the world. The question is, as they further the agenda for The North American Union will it bring about another one?
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The Reality And Truth of FEMA-Meet Your Future FEMA Camp-Meet Your Future HOME.
Posted by NewsPrepper on Saturday, April 8, 2017
1 comment
FEMA camps. The road to hell. | 3 September, 2017 at 06:33
[…] READ MORE:Green Light To UN To Invade America 2017: Martial Law- WWIII-FEMA- Dollar Collapse Coming The Realit… […]
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