Conspiracy Theories:” Energy Crisis As Early As 2016″.WRONG.Cool NREL Maps Show The Huge Geothermal Power Potential Of The U.S [photo&video]

Conspiracy Theories:” Energy Crisis As Early As 2016″.WRONG.Cool NREL Maps Show The Huge Geothermal Power Potential Of The U.S [photo&video]


Geothermal is a stable & plentiful source of clean energy available all around the world, including in the United States (especially in the West). But that industry is still in its infancy and very little of that 1resource’s potential is being tapped (a bit over 10 gigawatts worldwide, with about 3 of those in the U.S. and 2 in the Philippines). Hopefully this will change over time, as we phase out dirty power sources and as the cost of getting heat deep underground falls.

To give you an idea of the potential of geothermal power and of how far along we are, I’d like to share with you some great maps from the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL). The first one (above) shows the resource potential for the country, with the redder areas being more favorable for deep enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), and dots identifying known hydrothermal sites. Note that there are many hydrothermal sites in Alaska even if there’s no data yet on EGS potential.


After seeing the last map, this one be surprising. Most of the geothermal potential in the U.S. is concentrated in the Western half of the country, and it’s where most existing and future projects can be found.

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The states in red all either have existing geothermal plants, or planned ones. The numbers in white represent the number of megawatts of capacity for the existing plants, and the yellow numbers are a range of megawatts for planned capacity. California is by far the current leader (with 2.7 gigawatts), but Nevada also has huge planned capacity.

Total installed capacity is 3,386 MW, and total planned capacity is 2,511 to 2,606 MW.


This map shows all the currently operational hydrothermal stations in the US. As you can see, there are huge clusters in California and Nevada.



This map is similar, but it shows planned hydrothermal plants across the US. Not too surprisingly, the majority are again clustered in California and Nevada.



Looking at maps can be a bit abstract, so I thought I’d show you what actual geothermal power plants look like. This one is the Sonoma Calpine 3 geothermal power plant at The Geysers field in the Mayacamas Mountains of Somona County California. The Geysers is a complex of “22 geothermal power plants, drawing steam from more than 350 wells, located in the Mayacamas Mountains 72 mi (116 km) north of San Francisco, California.”

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This one is the Palinpinon Geothermal power plant in the Philippines, the second bigger producer of geothermal power in the world after the USA.’

VIDEODo not be one of the people that freezes and is overcome by fear—you need to move smartly if you want to survive.


This one is the Krafla Geothermal Station in Iceland, another big geothermal producer (the biggest in the world per capita, since its population is so small).

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This map shows the top 50 markets for energy-efficient lightbulb sales around the U.S.


Since January 1st, 2015, there’s been a renewed interest in energy-efficient lighting thanks to a law that requires a minimum level of efficiency from lightbulbs, making the century-old incandescents a thing of22 the past for most uses (there are exceptions, but the most popular models, the 60W and 100W, are goners). While some will complain at first, I think it’s a great thing for the long-term. So much wasted energy will go to better use. There’s still about 70% of light sockets in the US that contain energy-inefficient lightbulbs, so the potential gains are huge. And with long-lived and very efficient LEDs dropping in price quickly, there’s no excuses to stick with antiquated technology

The map above was compiled based on sales data from Home Depot, the biggest lightbulb seller in the US, so a good proxy for sales in general. They combined U.S. store sales numbers from markets with at least 100,000 people with 2010 Census data for a per capita look at which areas of the country are the top adopters of LED and compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs.

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Unfortunately, the data on the map is not ranked (I’ve asked for it, and will update this post if I get it), but it’s still possible to see the top 10 markets clearly in orange, and the top 5 markets for total consumption with the stars. The data is per capita, so higher population density doesn’t affect the ranking.

Lighting facts: Did you know that 70% of lightbulbs in the U.S. are still inefficient models?


Public Domain Energy Star

Those of us who are conscious about not wasting energy might thing that the energy-efficient lightbulb revolution is over. . But according to Energy Star, the government agency that tracks that kind of thing, around 70% of light sockets in the U.S. still contain inefficient lightbulbs (meaningmostly:incandescent).

Far from being over, the revolution is just starting!


Energy Star/Public Domain

The benefits of switching to energy-efficient LED bulbs (look for the Energy Star logo) are not just environmental. They also save you money over their useful life. Most people who complain about the price tend to forget to look at energy costs and how many incandescent bulbs you’d have to buy over the life of just one LED (more on that below)

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Energy Star/Public Domain

If you’re used to thinking about lights in term of the incandescent rating, no problem. All LEDs that I’ve seen show the incandescent-equivalent rating on the box, as well as the lumens (amount of light emitted) rating.


1Energy Star/Public Domain  

If every home in the U.S. switched just one inefficient light for an Energy Star one, that would be equivalent to taking 800,000 vehicles off the road in term of greenhouse gas emissions, and it would cut down on all kinds of pollutants that come from coal power plants (mercury, various smog-forming particulates, etc). And that’s just 1 light per house. I’m hoping that most people will embrace the new technology and change all their lights as they BURN out…

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Can emerging technology defeat global warming? The United States has invested tens of billions of dollars in clean energy projects as our leaders try to save our crumbling economy and our poisoned planet in one bold, green stroke. Are we finally on the brink of a green-energy “power surge,” or is it all a case of too little, too late?




By, NewsPrepper

Source: Energy Star  YouTube