WWIII WARNING :Third World War Would Be ‘Extremely Lethal And Fast’-‘WE WILL DESTROY YOU’ US Army chief Mark Milley
Military bosses were taking part in a ‘future-of-the-Army’ panel in Washington.
AMERICAN military bosses have confessed that World War 3 is “almost guaranteed” and will be “extremely lethal and fast.”
Speaking at a ‘future-of-the-Army’ panel at the Association of the U.S. Army in Washington, generals and other leading figures laid out their depressing forecasts for upcoming conflicts.
Smart weapons and artificial intelligence will dominate these ultra-violent wars between super-aggressive nation states.
According to a report by Defense One, Major General William Hix said: “A conventional conflict in the near future will be extremely lethal and fast, and we will not own the stopwatch.
“The speed of events are likely to strain our human abilities.
“The speed at which machines can make decisions in the far future is likely to challenge our ability to cope, demanding a new relationship between man and machine.”
Hix warned that the US is preparing for “violence on the scale that the U.S. Army has not seen since Korea” when over 30,000 American troops were slaughtered.
The General said that China and Russia are both developing huge militaries which are driven by new technologies.
Lt. General Joseph Anderson said America faces frightening threats “modern nation-states acting aggressively in militarised competition.”
He said: “Who does that sound like? Russia?”
Army Chief of Staff General Mark A. Milley added that war between nation states “is almost guaranteed”.
Miley warned that America’s enemies could end their superiority in the air which it has enjoyed since the Korean War in 1950 and stop its Naval forces through a mixture of anti-access and area-denial capabilities.
Future conflicts between nation states will be “extremely lethal and fast”
He said: “Land forces will have to enable sea forces.
“(The Army) is definitely going to have to dominate the air above our battle space.”
The strikingly honest military chief said America must prepare for advanced cyber warfare and fight guerrilla-style in complex urban settings.
Miley also cited a strengthened Russia, an increasingly dominate China, expanding smaller nation states and climate change as factors which could lead to instability.
He said: “While we’re ready now, we are being challenged.
“Our Army and our nation must be ready.”
Russia has recently conducted massive nuclear war exercises involving 40million people, built top secret bunkers for top brass and is said to have recalled diplomats families ‘to the motherland’ to prepare for World War III.(article HERE)
Speaking about future weapons, Katharina McFarland, acting assistant Army secretary for acquisition, logistics, and technology, revealed plans to make tanks and other military machines user-friendly.
Addressing the soldiers and other military personnel in the room, she said: “You travel all over the world, don’t you?
“You can pretty much get in a car anywhere and drive it.
“As an engineer, I think in terms of a simple interface — no matter what helicopter, you can get in and operate it.”
US Army chief Mark Milley fires terrifying threat to Russia over Syria and warns: ‘We’ll beat you anywhere, anytime’
THE US Army’s chief commander has fired a thinly-veiled threat at Russia and warned: “We will beat you harder than you have ever been beaten before.”
Chief of Staff General Mark Milley pulled no punches following a fiery war of words between Moscow and Washington DC over the Syria crisis.
US Army Chief of Staff Mark Milley sent a fiery warning to Russia in a speech:
The Four Star General said the US was ready to beat “any enemy, anywhere, any time”
Only yesterday four Nato nations were forced to scramble fighter jets when Russia sent two bombers on a sabre-rattling run around Western Europe.
And yesterday Milley roared: “I want to be clear to those that wish to do us harm.
“I want be clear to those around the world who want to destroy our way of life and those of our friends and allies.
“The US military, despite all our challenges, will stop you, and we will beat you harder than you have ever been beaten before.
“We will destroy any enemy, anywhere, any time.”
The comments came barely days after a breakdown in talks over a ceasefire in war-torn Syria – where Russia is supporting embattled dictator Bashar al-Assad.
It has since shipped a high-tech anti-missile system into the Middle Eastern country, US officials said.

US President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin had been trying to diffuse the escalating Syrian civil war
And yesterday two Russian newspapers discussed the country’s chances of defeating the United States in a potential superpower showdown.
Milley added: “Other countries like Russia, China, Iran and North Korea went to school on us and closely watched how we fought.
“They are rapidly modernising their militaries today to avoid our strengths in the hope of defeating us at some point in the future.”
He later made clear he was referring specifically to Russia, citing recent comments made by its ambassador to the UK, Alexander Yakovenko.
Only yesterday, two Russian bombers went on a sabre-rattling run around Western Europe, forcing four Nato members to scramble fighter jets
And fiery rhetoric in Russian newspapers on Tuesday predicted a war between the US and Russia
The four-star general continued: “Recently a senior Russian official, ambassador to the UK, Alexander Yakovenko, said ‘the established world order is undergoing a foundational shake up with the Crimea, Russia and Brexit.
“’Russia can now fight a conventional war in Europe and win. Russia is the only nation that will remain relevant forever.
“’Any other country is dispensable and that includes the United States.
“We are at end game now.’”
In the event that we actually ARE attacked , the video below may save your life.
1 comment
A.E.Natalie Pullman 18 October, 2016 at 14:52
Great post
Proud for my dear Gen.Mark Milley . May God keep and Bless you. God Bless #USA