WW III-‘THE SHOW MUST GO ON’ : Germany Preparing for WAR! Begins DRAFTING —- Doctors!
The German government has begun sending out Conscription (Draft) Orders for military service and the people being drafted into the Army are DOCTORS! Super Station 95 has confirmed two (2) individual Doctors who have received the Draft Orders. One must report to a military center to begin Army service in eight (8) days, the other is required to report in fourteen (14) days. The notices make clear the Doctors “are not to talk about this with anyone.”
It is now ultra-clear that European governments are preparing for war. This Drafting of Doctors comes less than one week after the German government issued a 69 page document to their citizens calling for the “immediate stockpiling of food and water” and justified this urgent action by saying “in case of an emergency which threatens our existence.” One day later, the Czech Republic told its citizens to begin “preparing for the worst.” Five days later, the government of Finland began quietly telling its citizens, through local government Councils, to begin stockpiling food and water, to prepare for something bad.
On Monday, August 29, we reported that Russia had mobilized Reserve Army Troops for the first time since the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. Yesterday, Tuesday August 30, we have found that the total mobilization is actually 80 mobilization brigades. About 10 tank brigades, 30 motor rifle brigades, 20 artillery and 20 other support brigades. So about 300,000 men. Our original story appears HERE.
SuperStation95 reached out to our contacts in the Pentagon, The Intelligence Community and the State Department and the answers we’re getting are very serious.
According to the Pentagon, there has never been a mobilization like this in Russia before. The shear size of it is described by seasoned Pentagon officials as “staggering!” According to two separate sources in the Intelligence Community, various intel sources indicate the Russians intend to take action – but they are not certain if that action will be in Ukraine, Syria or . . . Turkey. The fear is that the size of this mobilization may mean “all of the above.”
Our source in the Pentagon put it this way:
Russia has also mobilized divisions of the National Guard, and the NAF is mobilizing its reserves to go from 35,000 men to 95,000.
Russia has assured this will be a coalition war by sending its CSTO allies to the Belarussian-Polish border. So that includes units from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
When you count it all up, Russia and allies now have something like half a million men on alert opposite Ukraine, the Baltics and Poland.
I’ve never seen anything like it.
Reservists in the Southern, Central and Western Military Districts are being called up, and trucks from the civilian sector are being transferred into military service as per the mobilization plans. In addition, workers in militarily vital industries in southern Russia are being conscripted into the Ministry of Defense – they can no longer quit or transfer without military approval for the duration of the alert.
Who Will Live, Who Will Die in the 1st 72 Hours-SHTF! The first 3 things to do during a disaster.
According to the Russian Ministry of Defense
“There will also be carried out conscription of citizens from the reserve supply of automotive technology and the formation of military units of territorial defense in the Southern, Central Military District and the Northern Fleet.
Field offices of Bank of Russia for the first time will take the financial security troops apart from the permanent dislocation points. In addition, a number of enterprises of the mili
tary-industrial complex in southern Russia will test the willingness to carry out tasks for the supply and repair of weapons, military and special equipment.”
To understand the magnitude of what’s taking place, consider that 3 military districts each with ~ 50 administrative units (oblasts+republics). Only Stavropol has called-up 4600 reservists. If the average reserve call-up elsewhere is only half (average 3000) that makes this call-up of Russian Reserve Troops about 150, 000 !!!
Stavropol is home to a BKhiRVT. That’s a mobilization brigade, all the vehicles and weapons but no troops. They have now manned it with 4600 reservists, adding another maneuver brigade to the 49th Combined Arms Army. There are accounts of multiple BKhiRVTs in several Military Districts being manned.
This call-up of Reserves is almost unprecedented. They’ve never called up the reserves. Not for Crimea, or Georgia, or even even Chechnya.
In scale, this is closer to the mobilization for the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.
This is a developing story, check back for additional information.
Survival Things We Lost To History
Fellow Patriot,
Shock and disbelief has rocked our world in the past years…
Call me old-fashioned, but I completely believe in America and what our ancestors stood for. And how they used to fight back…
The SHTF we all prep for is what Folks Called 150 years ago “Daily Life”
…no electrical power, no refrigerators, no Internet, no computers, no TV, no hyperactive law enforcement, and no Safeway or Walmart.I must admit, as a true Christian and Patriot this video really sent shivers down my spine…
Because it exposes a long-forgotten secret that could bring God’s Judgement onto America…
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