World War III News:Veterans of the War on Terror React To the US Bombing Of a Hospital in Kunduz.Barack Obama Apologizes For US Attack [photo & video]

World War III News:Veterans of the War on Terror React To the US Bombing Of a Hospital in Kunduz.Barack Obama Apologizes For US Attack [photo & video]

1Veterans of the War on Terror react to the US bombing of a hospital in Kunduz

Veterans of the War on Terror react to the US bombing of a hospital in Kunduz

The catastrophic airstrike on a hospital in Kunduz has prompted calls for international investigations, and allegations of war crimes.It’s a black mark on the US operation in Afghanistan, which enters its 15th year and has seen tens of thousands of US troops deployed. We asked some of them, members of The World’s community of veterans, if what’s happening in Kunduz caused them to regret their service there.

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Unsurprisingly, they were divided.

One veteran said “I feel like the whole effort in Afghanistan was futile.”

“I served in Kunduz from 2011 to 2013. We worked very hard to build connections and bring peace to the entire province. To see it lost is a little disheartening,” said another.

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Another said “My only regret is that we left the job unfinished. There was instability when we arrived and when we left. Unfortunately we soldiers do not make the decisions in war.”

And another: “I’m very disgusted. I can’t believe we would violate the Geneva accords so blatantly. I don’t regret my service, but I’d like to see those responsible put on trial.”

“It is very sad and tragic but most of us veterans saw this coming many years ago.”

“I have never regretted my f****** service. It’s time the people of Afghanistan stood up for themselves. Too many good soldiers died for people who are not even willing to bleed for their own freedom.”

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“Yes, I went to combat to free a nation. I lost friends there. I live with PTSD and wounds every day. Now the place I feel like I left part of my soul is worse than before. For what? No one knows?”


“No regrets. Fog of War. It was accident and a way to fix our processes and do better. We did good when I was there. I feel honor about my service for this country.

“I installed communication equipment all over Afghanistan @ provincial police headquarters, specifically to aid in getting assistance from surrounding areas to defend their regions from the Taliban. I have been to bases, spent hours traveling, hundreds of days away from my family– to read news about how we are losing those same regions.  It is very sad and tragic but most of us veterans saw this coming many years ago.”

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2Veterans of the War on Terror react to the US bombing of a hospital in Kunduz Graham Pulliam Marine Captain Graham Pulliam near Combat Outpost Rocco, Uzbin Valley, Kapisa Province, Afghanistan, summer 2009.

Veterans of the War on Terror react to the US bombing of a hospital in Kunduz

“No, I’m proud of my service and I know it was worth it,” says 36-year-old Graham Pulliam who served as a Marine in both Iraq and Afghanistan. “If my national leadership can’t accomplish the simple task of developing a coherent and actionable strategy then I’ll bank on the seeds we planted: the Afghan Soldiers we lived and patrolled with and the villagers and children we helped.”

Pulliam says his war experience was largely shaped by an ETT, an Embedded Training Team mission. “We were 4 service members embedded with an Afghan Army company, and we lived with those guys so it was a very formative experience that shaped my whole outlook on the war.” Pulliam says that he’s well aware that key areas of Afghanistan that he fought to secure were retaken by Taliban.

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But he says, “We won’t know what we left behind until years down the road. I think the Afghan soldiers that we patrolled with, you know what did they learn from my Marines? I think of the kids we interacted with. What did seeing somebody that just wanted to make sure they were healthy and could go to school, what seed did that plant? I’m not naive enough to say that’s the only force at work in that country because it’s extremely complex but I think that something could come from that.”

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US Marine Sgt. Cody Turpen from Kilo Company of the 3rd Battalion 8th Marines Regiment shakes hand with Afghan children during a patrol in Garmser district in southern Helmand Province on June 22, 2012.

Obama Apologises to MSF for US Bombing of Afghan Hospital


Obama Apologises to MSF for US Bombing of Afghan Hospital – The New Indian Express

LONDON: Barack Obama telephoned the president of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) yesterday (Wednesday) to apologise for the US bombing of a hospital in Afghanistan that left 22 people dead.

MSF has said that the air strike that levelled the hospital constituted a war crime, and has demanded an independent investigation. The US has admitted it mistakenly bombed the MSF facility, in the battleground city of Kunduz, last Saturday.

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The White House said on Tuesday that additional information was needed before Mr Obama would issue an apology, but reversed course yesterday.

Josh Earnest, the US president’s spokesman, said Mr Obama called Dr Joanne Liu, the network’s 1international president, “to apologise and express his condolences for the MSF staff and patients who were killed and injured”.

“The president assured Dr Liu that the department of defence investigation currently underway would provide a transparent, thorough and objective accounting of the facts and circumstances of the incident,” Mr Earnest said.

Mr Obama’s apology came a day after the US military commander in Afghanistan acknowledged American responsibility for the bombing.


“To be clear, the decision to provide aerial flyers was a US decision made within the US chain of command,” Gen John Campbell said.

MSF has said that all parties fighting in Kuduz had been made aware of the location of the hospital.

Speaking to reporters prior to the call from Mr Obama, Dr Liu said MSF insisted on an independent investigation because it “cannot rely on the internal military investigations by the US, Nato, and Afghan forces”.

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She added: “If we let this go, we are basically giving a blank cheque to any countries at war.”

The air strike came amid efforts to drive the Taliban out of Kunduz, a city of 300,000 in north-western Afghanistan. Mr Earnest, the White House spokesman, said the US had been transparent and forthright in the aftermath of the air strike.

He added: “The United States, when we make a mistake, we’re honest about it, we own up to it, we apologise where necessary.”

Mr Obama also called Ashraf Ghani, the Afghan president, to express his condolences for the innocent lives lost in the strike.

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By, NewsPrepper

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