World War III Has Begun-Russia Deploys Warships Toward US Destroyers Which Attacked Syria

World War III Has Begun-Russia Deploys Warships Toward US Destroyers Which Attacked Syria

President Putin “regards the strikes as aggression against a sovereign nation,” his spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, noting that the president believes the strikes were carried out “in violation of international law, and also under an invented pretext.”

Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian Prime Minister, said today that the US Missile Attack upon Syria last night “has put the United States within an inch of military conflict with Russia” and that US-Russia Relations are “Completely ruined.”

Within the past hour, Russia has begun moving naval forces toward the two US Destroyers in the Mediterranean Sea, which carried out the missile attack.

Moreover, Russia has ordered another vessel to take up position BETWEEN the two US Destroyers and Syria, with instructions to use it’s defenses to SHOOT DOWN any additional missiles launched by those US ships!

Vladimir Putin has today diverted a warship to protect the Syrian coast and vowed to bolster Bashar al-Assad’s missile defenses against further US strikes as fears grew the crisis could topple into war between Russia and the West.


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The Russian President has immediately sent his Admiral Grigorovich frigate – armed with cruise missiles and a self-defence system – from the Black Sea to dock in Syria later.


It will pass through the east Mediterranean waters where the USS Ross and USS Porter fired the 59 Tomahawk missiles that pounded Assad’s al-Shayrat military airfield near Homs in the early hours of Friday.

Putin today called it an ‘illegal act of aggression’ and also ripped up an agreement to avoid mid-air clashes between Russian and US fighter jets over Syria. 

He said the action taken by the Americans was in breach of international law and their own internal procedures, and accused Washington of “barely avoiding combat clashes with Russia”.

In a post on Facebook, Mr Medvedev said the air strike had “completely ruined relations” between the two superpowers.

However, the US says it warned Russia one hour before it fired 59 tomahawk cruise missiles at the Shayrat air base. 

Syria claims US air strike killed 7 people, including 4 children

Satellite imagery suggests the base that was struck is home to Russian special forces and military helicopters, part of the Kremlin’s effort to help the Syrian government fight Islamic State and other militant groups.

No Russian personnel were caught up in the strike.

Syrian state media has claimed that a US missile attack on a government air base has killed seven people, including four children.

Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said the strike deliberately avoided sections of the base where the Russians were believed to be present.

Briefing reporters on the operation, he said the US military had “multiple” conversations with Russian forces on Thursday before the strike, using a line of communication that had previously been established to prevent an accidental clash in Syria during the fight against Isis.


Latest News and Videos :Russia Responds To The U.S. Strike In Syria-Russian MoD: “US Missile Attack on Syrian Airbase Prepared Long Time Ago”

Mr Medvedev’s statement in full:

“That’s it. The last remaining election fog has lifted. Instead of an overworked statement about a joint fight against the biggest enemy, Isis (the Islamic State), the Trump administration proved that it will fiercely fight the legitimate Syrian government, in a tough contradiction with international law and without UN approval, in violation of its own procedures stipulating that the Congress must first be notified of any military operation unrelated to aggression against the US. On the verge of a military clash with Russia.

“Nobody is overestimating the value of pre-election promises but there must be limits of decency.

“Beyond that is absolute mistrust. Which is really sad for our now completely ruined relations. And which is good news for terrorists.

“One more thing. This military action is a clear indication of the US President’s extreme dependency on the opinion of the Washington establishment, the one that the new president strongly criticised in his inauguration speech.

“Soon after his victory, I noted that everything would depend on how soon Trump’s election promises would be broken by the existing power machine. It took only two and a half months.”

WARNING: You are about to witness very sensitive information concerning our country;
Fellow American,I urge you to put everything else aside for a moment and read this URGENT news before it’s too late.
