START UP-The Human Microchip Is HERE, But At What Cost To Privacy?Companies Begin Tracking Employees With Microchip Implants

START UP-The Human Microchip Is HERE, But At What Cost To Privacy?Companies Begin Tracking Employees With Microchip Implants

The syringe slides in between the thumb and index finger. Then, with a click, a microchip is injected in the employee’s hand. Another “cyborg” is created.

What could pass for a dystopian vision of the workplace is almost routine at the Swedish start-up hub Epicenter. The company offers to implant its workers and start-up members with microchips the size of grains of rice that function as swipe cards: to open doors, operate printers or buy smoothies with a wave of the hand.

The technology itself is not new: Such chips are used as virtual collar plates for pets, and companies use them to track deliveries. But never before has the technology been used to tag employees on a broad scale. Epicenter and a handful of other companies are the first to make chip implants broadly available.

And as with most new technologies, it raises security and privacy issues. Although the chips are biologically safe, the data they generate can show how often employees come to work or what they buy. Unlike company swipe cards or smartphones, which can generate the same data, people cannot easily separate themselves from the chips.

“Of course, putting things into your body is quite a big step to do, and it was even for me at first,” said Mesterton, saying he initially had his doubts.

“On the other hand, I mean, people have been implanting things into their body, like pacemakers and stuff to control your heart,” he said. “That’s a way, way more serious thing than having a small chip that can actually communicate with devices.”

“The biggest benefit, I think, is convenience,” said Patrick Mesterton, co-founder and chief executive of Epicenter. As a demonstration, he unlocks a door merely by waving near it. “It basically replaces a lot of things you have, other communication devices, whether it be credit cards or keys.”

The technology itself is not new: Such chips are used as virtual collar plates for pets, and companies use them to track deliveries. But never before has the technology been used to tag employees on a broad scale. Epicenter and a handful of other companies are the first to make chip implants broadly available.

The small implants use near-field communication technology, or NFC, the same as in contactless credit cards or mobile payments. When activated by a reader a few inches away, a small amount of data flows between the two devices via electromagnetic waves. The implants are “passive,” meaning they contain information that other devices can read, but cannot read information themselves.

The Mark of the Beast, the Misterious Number 666 and Last Day Predictions-Video Below

Ben Libberton, a microbiologist at Stockholm’s Karolinska Institute, says hackers could conceivably gain huge swaths of information from embedded microchips. The ethical dilemmas will become bigger the more sophisticated the microchips become.

“The data that you could possibly get from a chip that is embedded in your body is a lot different from the data that you can get from a smartphone,” he says. “Conceptually, you could get data about your health, you could get data about your whereabouts, how often you’re working, how long you’re working, if you’re taking toilet breaks and things like that.”

Libberton said that if such information is collected, the big question remains of what happens to it, who uses it and for what purpose.

So far, Epicenter’s group of cyborgs doesn’t seem too concerned.

It may sound like an Orwellian nightmare, but the technology to implant RFID chips into human beings and track their every move has been there for years.

RFID stands for radio frequency identification, and uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects, including an implanted chip.

A growing conspiracy theory claims we will all soon be chipped through vaccination programmes and at birth, or be forced to have a conta
ctless microchip instead of money.

As with all conspiracies, there are variations on the theory and they vary in extremeness.


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At the bottom end is the claim that world governments will phase out cash so the only way you can buy anything is with an implanted chip that can then be used to ID and monitor you.

Next up is the theory that the chips will be secretly implanted into children and some adults through vaccination programmes.

The most extreme claim ties in with religious conspiracy theorists.

They have said the implanted RFID chip will stand for the Mark of the Beast as referred to in the Book of Revelation.

Again, all humans will be forced to take an implant, so those in power can know our every detail and monitor our every move.

But, it’s those in power which is scary part.

According to the mark of the beast theory the Illuminati, or New World order (NWO), as it is also known – an alleged secret organisation that actually runs all the governments – plans to implant us all.

This is because, you guessed it, Satan really runs the NWO, and is returning to Earth, and this is how he will control everyone.

The theory is summed up on the website.

In an article about the conspiracy, it said: “What is presented on this page is not fantasy, or our idea of something that could happen in the near future.

“Every item here will tell you about advances in technology that either are in place, or in the end stages of development and about to be released.

“Every item here will show you not only the plan, but the actual tools that the NWO has in place to track you right now at this very moment to monitor you, and control you.”

It said it would be a worldwide system that collects and gathers information, and ties it in with personal records of all kinds.


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1 comment

  1. Rosa Lopes 7 April, 2017 at 02:20 Reply

    First an foremost let us understand that we are not animals to be branded just like cattle .second no one on this earth has the right to force me against my wishes to do anything and most special to give up my freedom to the Elite satns’s slaves I am a child of God and I am free .For not even God forces me to obey Him .therefore no man has such a right .I caution you about the implant of this Chip(Mark of the Beast)it carries a CURSE PLACED BY GOD TO ANYONE WHO VOLUNTEER IMPLANTS IT IN HIS OR HER BODY the curse is a black plaque which will affect the entire body it will be most visible in the face .This plaque is consistent of black marks appearing in the body and it will wrote the body .Your flesh will fall off, it is an-curable and it will last until Jesus Christ returns to the world on resurrection day. Woe to those that allow themselves to be chipped as they will not longer be god,s children but will belong to satan from that moment and god can
    no longer saved them as they are satans children and will be going to hell with him for all eternity..may God have mercy on your miserable souls.